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Plastic pollution is a critical issue, with only 9% of plastic recycled. As part of UC Berkeley’s "Deplastify the Planet" course, the team designed a 100% plastic-free, circular spray bottle for Grove Collaborative using stainless steel and silicone. This innovative solution won the Collider Cup X and is being prepared for mass production.
Sam Goldman
5 mins
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On November 1, 2021, our CARES team visited the Pinoleville Pomo Nation (PPN) in Ukiah, California, collaborating on sustainable Food, Energy, and Water Systems (FEWS). Through co-design principles, we supported PPN’s food sovereignty efforts, cultural reclamation, and youth education, fostering trust and inspiring future sustainable innovations in marginalized communities.
Development Engineering
4 mins
Group photo with Campanile in background
Blog Posts
Students from around the U.S. and the world — coming from the fields of finance, electrical engineering, nursing, and beyond — make up the inaugural cohort of the three-semester professional master’s program in development engineering, a transdisciplinary field founded at UC Berkeley that creates technology interventions in accordance with and for individuals living in low-resource settings.
Sam Goldman
5 mins
Blog Posts
The DevEng Blog invites contributions from students, professors, and authors on development engineering topics. Articles should offer fresh perspectives, explore challenges, and connect local issues to global concerns. Submissions of 1,000-1,500 words with author details and source links can be emailed to
Development Engineering
3 mins
Development Engineering
Development Engineering Prof. Amy Pickering, Blum Center Distinguished Chair in Global Poverty and Practice at UC Berkeley, and Dr. Katya Cherukumilli, a postdoctoral scholar in Pickering’s lab, have won a $1.9 million award to increase access to clean and safe water in low-income urban communities around the world. The Open Philanthropy grant will go toward scaling up and deploying the Venturi, the in-line (passive) chlorinator device that was originally designed by local engineers in Bangladesh, Kenya, and the U.S.
Sam Goldman
3 mins
Development Engineering
In the Fall of 2019, Abby Yue Gao’s first semester in UC Berkeley’s Master of Architecture program, her classes had to repeatedly pause due to another severe California wildfire season. Berkeley was spared the flames, but still suffered power shut offs and dreadful air quality thanks to that year’s worst blaze, Sonoma County’s Kincade Fire. Tens of thousands had to flee their homes; hundreds of thousands faced blackouts. A quarter of the county’s population speaks a language other than English at home — a major hurdle during disasters, when critical information from first responders goes out primarily in English.
Sam Goldman
10 mins

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Kris Kohler Joins Dev Eng, GPP Programs, Blum Center News, September 29, 2021

Meet the Inaugural M.DevEng Cohort, Blum Center News, September 21, 2021

Development Engineering Student Paige Balcom Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda, UC Berkeley News, April 10, 2020

Development Engineering Scholar Woojin Jung Finds Significant Discrepancies in Global Poverty Measures, Blum Center News, March 6, 2020

Why We Are Expanding the Field of Development Engineering, Blum Center News, December 9, 2019

Development Engineering Graduates Producing Solutions Scholarship, Blum Center News, May 13, 2019

In this College Class, the Assignment Is to Solve a Local Problem, Fast Company, May 9, 2019

Joshua Blumenstock: The Knowns and Unknowns of Big Data and Poverty Alleviation, Blum Center News, March 18, 2019

Kara Nelson on Aspirational Technologies and the Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, March 14, 2019

“Imagining the Future Helps Us Engineer Toward that Future”: A Q&A with Will Tarpeh, Blum Center News, February 11, 2019

Pursuing a Career in Engineering Co-Design: A Q&A with Ryan Shelby, Blum Center News, January 31, 2019

InFEWS Fellows Take on Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, November 26, 2018

Digital Transformation of Development, Blum Center News, August 27, 2018

Development Impact Lab Conference Speaks to Future of Engineering for Poverty Solutions, Blum Center News, June 13, 2018

Development Engineering: A Critical Overview,  Berkeley Science Review, January 23, 2017

How to Attract Female Engineers, New York Times, April 27, 2015.

Engineering Improvements for the World, Washington Post, October 5, 2014.

Toward a New Field of Development Engineering: Linking Technology Design to the Demands of the Poor, Procedia Engineering 78 (2014) 3–9.

Keep up with our Development Engineering programs by joining our weekly newsletter — sent to your inbox every Monday morning. Learn about relevant events and fellowships, job openings and career-development opportunities, faculty appearances in the news, graduate student resources, and more.  Sign up for the newsletter below. Check the archive of past newsletters here. Share relevant event with the DevEng community by emailing Sam Goldman, DevEng Communication and Administrative Officer, samuelgoldman [at]

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