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Development Engineering
Cleveland Justis, professor of MDevEng’s “Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship,” fights these misconceptions by teaching how business strategy can be used as an instrument of social change. 
Alisha Dalvi
6 mins
Development Engineering
Tisatayane had been a teacher, a nurse, and an unsuccessful social entrepreneur. Now, he’s using development engineering to provide his fellow Malawians clean energy and an opportunity to free themselves from economic hardship.
Sam Goldman
14 mins
Development Engineering
After 16 months, three semesters, 44 internships, 26 capstone projects, and countless hours in the classroom and out in the field, the inaugural cohort of UC Berkeley’s M.DevEng program walked across the stage of campus’ Sibley Auditorium in the Bechtel Engineering Center on Saturday to receive the country’s — if not the world’s — first master of development engineering degree. The 44-student Class of 2022 — pioneers of the burgeoning discipline that originated at Berkeley — will leave Blum Hall for careers in social impact, technology, and sustainability or to further their educational careers.
Sam Goldman
7 mins
Development Engineering
So in true development engineering fashion, Gadgil and colleague Temina Madon, part of the professional faculty at Haas School of Business, teamed up to publish Introduction to Development Engineering: A Frame with Applications from the Field — the discipline’s first textbook. It was published by Springer as an open access title on Sept. 9.
Sam Goldman
5 mins
Development Engineering
Integrating her background with her education, Andono aims to center the environment when creating architecture, from its design process, construction, and operation, to create lasting, sustainable change.
Alisha Dalvi
5 mins
Development Engineering
The 4th Medical Battalion, a unit of the U.S. Marine Corps made up of Marines and U.S. Navy personnel, wanted to up the training and preparation of medical and surgical teams that support Marines in the field. Marines’ health and safety are quite literally on the line.
Sam Goldman
7 mins

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Kris Kohler Joins Dev Eng, GPP Programs, Blum Center News, September 29, 2021

Meet the Inaugural M.DevEng Cohort, Blum Center News, September 21, 2021

Development Engineering Student Paige Balcom Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda, UC Berkeley News, April 10, 2020

Development Engineering Scholar Woojin Jung Finds Significant Discrepancies in Global Poverty Measures, Blum Center News, March 6, 2020

Why We Are Expanding the Field of Development Engineering, Blum Center News, December 9, 2019

Development Engineering Graduates Producing Solutions Scholarship, Blum Center News, May 13, 2019

In this College Class, the Assignment Is to Solve a Local Problem, Fast Company, May 9, 2019

Joshua Blumenstock: The Knowns and Unknowns of Big Data and Poverty Alleviation, Blum Center News, March 18, 2019

Kara Nelson on Aspirational Technologies and the Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, March 14, 2019

“Imagining the Future Helps Us Engineer Toward that Future”: A Q&A with Will Tarpeh, Blum Center News, February 11, 2019

Pursuing a Career in Engineering Co-Design: A Q&A with Ryan Shelby, Blum Center News, January 31, 2019

InFEWS Fellows Take on Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, November 26, 2018

Digital Transformation of Development, Blum Center News, August 27, 2018

Development Impact Lab Conference Speaks to Future of Engineering for Poverty Solutions, Blum Center News, June 13, 2018

Development Engineering: A Critical Overview,  Berkeley Science Review, January 23, 2017

How to Attract Female Engineers, New York Times, April 27, 2015.

Engineering Improvements for the World, Washington Post, October 5, 2014.

Toward a New Field of Development Engineering: Linking Technology Design to the Demands of the Poor, Procedia Engineering 78 (2014) 3–9.

Keep up with our Development Engineering programs by joining our weekly newsletter — sent to your inbox every Monday morning. Learn about relevant events and fellowships, job openings and career-development opportunities, faculty appearances in the news, graduate student resources, and more.  Sign up for the newsletter below. Check the archive of past newsletters here. Share relevant event with the DevEng community by emailing Sam Goldman, DevEng Communication and Administrative Officer, samuelgoldman [at]

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