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Development Engineering
Passion has led Praphanphoj to join the Master of Development Engineering program at UC Berkeley, where he focuses on sustainable design innovations. In his third and final semester now, he says he has enjoyed learning global development history and issues.
Mengyuan Dong
6 mins
Development Engineering
On Aug. 22, the third cohort of the Master of Development Engineering program convened at Blum Hall for their orientation and the start of the first of three semesters of an interdisciplinary curriculum that revolves around developing technology interventions in accordance with and for individuals living in low-resource settings. The Class of 2024 — 34 students in total — hails from 12 countries across four continents, but many arrived last week for breakfast and headshots already on friendly terms.
Sam Goldman
3 mins
Big Ideas
Development Engineering
Digital Transformation of Development
Yet even before AI took center stage this past year, students and alumni of the Blum Center for Developing Economies were embracing the emerging technologies’ potential, specifically for social good. From detecting “deepfake” videos to analyzing agriculture changes and building understanding across communities, Blum Center folks share their experiences, inspirations, and the impact of their AI-driven projects and ventures. 
Mengyuan Dong
9 mins
Development Engineering
Xhafa has worked in the development sector for a decade and graduated from the Master of Development Engineering program last December with a focus on energy and environment. The intersection of healthcare and energy was also the focus of another recent MDevEng graduate, Greg Berger. Together, Berger and Xhafa, both in the program’s Energy, Water, and the Environment track, examined the energy needs of healthcare clinics in one sub-Saharan country, Rwanda, as their MDevEng capstone project. 
Alisha Dalvi
6 mins
Big Ideas
Development Engineering
Global Poverty & Practice
The past year also witnessed momentous firsts in our Development Engineering community and some impressive triumphs by students well on their ways to making tangible impacts on real-world problems.
Sam Goldman
6 mins
Big Ideas
Development Engineering
In the fall of 2021, Master of Development Engineering students Victor Okoro, Daniel Huang, and Joshua Iokua Albano, interested in education and helping Nigerians find jobs post-graduation, teamed up to found Madojo, a platform that connects Nigerian university graduates with employers in the technology space while helping the graduates gain sought-after skills through skills development, portfolio design, networking, and mentorship.
Anehita Okojie
6 mins

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Kris Kohler Joins Dev Eng, GPP Programs, Blum Center News, September 29, 2021

Meet the Inaugural M.DevEng Cohort, Blum Center News, September 21, 2021

Development Engineering Student Paige Balcom Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda, UC Berkeley News, April 10, 2020

Development Engineering Scholar Woojin Jung Finds Significant Discrepancies in Global Poverty Measures, Blum Center News, March 6, 2020

Why We Are Expanding the Field of Development Engineering, Blum Center News, December 9, 2019

Development Engineering Graduates Producing Solutions Scholarship, Blum Center News, May 13, 2019

In this College Class, the Assignment Is to Solve a Local Problem, Fast Company, May 9, 2019

Joshua Blumenstock: The Knowns and Unknowns of Big Data and Poverty Alleviation, Blum Center News, March 18, 2019

Kara Nelson on Aspirational Technologies and the Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, March 14, 2019

“Imagining the Future Helps Us Engineer Toward that Future”: A Q&A with Will Tarpeh, Blum Center News, February 11, 2019

Pursuing a Career in Engineering Co-Design: A Q&A with Ryan Shelby, Blum Center News, January 31, 2019

InFEWS Fellows Take on Sustainable Development Goals, Blum Center News, November 26, 2018

Digital Transformation of Development, Blum Center News, August 27, 2018

Development Impact Lab Conference Speaks to Future of Engineering for Poverty Solutions, Blum Center News, June 13, 2018

Development Engineering: A Critical Overview,  Berkeley Science Review, January 23, 2017

How to Attract Female Engineers, New York Times, April 27, 2015.

Engineering Improvements for the World, Washington Post, October 5, 2014.

Toward a New Field of Development Engineering: Linking Technology Design to the Demands of the Poor, Procedia Engineering 78 (2014) 3–9.

Keep up with our Development Engineering programs by joining our weekly newsletter — sent to your inbox every Monday morning. Learn about relevant events and fellowships, job openings and career-development opportunities, faculty appearances in the news, graduate student resources, and more.  Sign up for the newsletter below. Check the archive of past newsletters here. Share relevant event with the DevEng community by emailing Sam Goldman, DevEng Communication and Administrative Officer, samuelgoldman [at]

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